Perfect Parenting For Shaping
A Perfect Future For Your Child
By Nim Aulakh
(Publisher's Note: Although becoming a perfect parent is not easy, the information in this article will go a long way in helping you to at least become a better parent.)
The biggest gift God bestowed upon human beings is the gift of parenthood. Having a child of your own is an unparalled divine pleasure which is unmatched to any worldly belonging. Every child born in this world is different and so are the parents, thus the upbringing of each child differs from each other. Even though the aim of each parent is the same and that is the best placement of the child in society. The significance of perfect parenting is to lead one's child into adulthood with the best moral values, spiritual, worldly wisdom and the life skills to attain name, fame and success in their chosen field. The unchallenged fact is that behind every successful child lay's the perseverance, utmost dedication and numerous sacrifices of committed parents.
As we all know, raising a child is a complex job. An ideal parent possesses three qualities. These are the delicacy in caring for a child, psychological attitude in treating a child and perseverance in the child reaching their goals. There are many ways in raising a child but a strong emotional bond between parents and children is the foundation to perfect parenting. Children who are confident of being loved, trusted and respected by their parents are more obedient, respectful and trust worthy children. Children always long for the company of their parents so it is important to give them some amount of time everyday rather than a lot, once in a blue moon.
Children always long for someone close to them who will listen to them, share their thoughts and ideas with, who will praise and give positive feed and encouragement to them, no matter how silly their ideas might be. Although no one is perfect in this world but one can almost achieve perfect parenting by doing some of the below mentioned things.
(A) Give Freedom of Choice - One very common mistake that almost all parents make is to expect the children to accomplish tasks to their time schedule and how we perceive it should be done. So we appear to be nagging and dictatorial, which can make the child resentful and aggressive. In perfect parenting, we should have a more flexible approach. Discuss your child's ideas and give help and guidance where necessary rather than expecting things to be done in military style.
(B) Be Short and To the Point - It is a well known fact that children have short attention spans. So you might have noticed that during one of your long lectures, the child stops paying attention and this is conveyed by yawning, head scratching, fidgeting and fiddling with objects like pens and pencils. To avoid all this make sure that your instructions and advice is short and simple, remember that something that we might consider easy to understand could sound like rocket science to a six year old.
(C) Give Definite Commands - When parents want their child not to behave in a certain way or to refrain them from doing something, then you need to give a definite command and also underline the consequences of disobeying the given command. One good way of doing this is to give a countdown time. Let you child know that you are going to count down from five or ten and if the activity they are doing is not ceased then underline the punishment that they are likely to receive for disobeying. You will be amazed how this works every time.
Hopefully these few things will help you to become better at parenting even though it takes time to achieve perfect parenting. One can always keep researching and reading everything that one can find to keep moving on the road to that elusive destination called perfect parenting.
About the Author
Nim Aulakh is a writer and webmaster.
Article Source: Content for Reprint